The Fading Beauty Of My Church

Posted on June 19, 2018


The summary of the “beauty” of The Catholic Church is found in the final lines of the Apostle creed…The Catholic church is ONE , HOLY ,CATHOLIC AND APOSTOLIC…
This then is the reason why the Catholic church has weathered and survived every trial(s) and tribulations that confronted it.

This is also the reason why the Catholic Church is also the most ORGANIZED HUMAN STRUCTURE in the world. In her ONENESS IS THE SOLIDARITY that gives us strength. In her CATHOLICITY is the universality that makes the uniformity awesome. In Her HOLINESS is the sanctity she bears from God and in her APOSTOLICITY is her rich roots in ORAL AND SACRED TRADITION. Little wonder then why Jesus Christ handed the keys over to Peter and assured him that “the gates of hell WILL never triumph over her”.

The responsibility then of keeping this beautiful gift now falls on not just the spiritual leaders of the church but on all of us who bear the identity CATHOLIC. But every time I go for mass I sometimes ask myself is this the same Catholic Church I have always known as a child…? Certainly yes the church has remained Catholic by identity but internally I think we all have collectively failed in certain responsibilities.
While we can’t deny the reality and truth of influences in the church both from the pastors and laity I will want to focus on some simple and basic things we ignore that has continued to constantly bother me…


My focus this morning is on the celebration of the Holy mass and the attitudes I have seen in church. I wonder how many Catholics understand what the Holy Eucharist is all about. And I often wonder if they understand the gift God has bestowed on us in the sacrifice of the Holy mass.
As a young seminarian let me share an experience I had in a parish in Kaduna in the year 2002. I and the parish priest were standing within the church premises on Saturday evening when a certain young man walked in and asked if he could see the parish priest; since none of us was on cassock. Father asked him why he needed to see the parish priest. Then he opened his bag and brought out unconsecrated host and said he wanted father to bless it for him to distribute on Sunday in his church since it was going to be a communion Sunday. Father then asked him ‘ but why won’t you bless it yourself since you are a ” man of God” and he smiled rather cheekily  and replied … We know the truth ‘ you Catholic Rev fathers have that power and not us’… This left a big impression on me for over ten years now. But when I see how Catholics behave during mass I wonder if they see this beauty we have.

I am not God and I am not here to judge anyone but I am here to provoke our thoughts and challenge us to look deep and see where we are failing. This morning at mass a young lady sat next to me and even during consecration she was chatting on phone and apparently you could see one who wasn’t interested in what was going on. Tomorrow we say ‘ there is no life in the Catholic church ‘? How can the Catholic Church give you life when u are already dead spiritually?

Over 80% of parishioners at mass won’t kneel or stand for obvious reasons .We are tired or don’t want to dirty our clothes. The same people who will lie on the floor to greet kings and Queen’s for favors but will not bow or kneel to worship God. But let me remind you…you are the dust u refuse to touch and yet to this dust you shall return someday and the same God you despise will judge you.

A lot of young people dodge to go for communion and obviously the reason is that they were not always in a state of grace or some don’t understand what it is all about and the benefits. And most this young people come to church with their parents who watch them every Sunday not go for Holy Communion and will not ask them why? As a child my mum will always prepare us for confessions on sat and insist we go and prepare for Holy Communion on Sunday.
The postures and gestures in mass have their spiritual benefits and relevance and it is important that the homilies and catechism classes should always teach this to enlighten us on this.

The youths are the future of the church and for them to take over this responsibility I think a lot of education needs to be done. The second Vatican document encourages ACTIVE, CONSCIOUS, PARTICIPATION at all liturgical celebrations. But I think over time a lot of emphasis has been placed on the physical aspect of the church than the spiritual. In as much as it is important to build and live in magnificent structures that are conducive for worship it is even more important and pertinent to focus on the body of Christ that is the people of God. Building them spiritually is the best gift any pastor can give his community and this will and can b achieved if we can go back in time and begin to do some things we used to do…I remember growing up as a child once its time for consecration the priest from the altar will say “all kneel” and church wardens will ensure no one without good reasons is not kneeling or standing when needed.

Parents must also make time to do their own part in this by checking their children and from time to time share the faith.
I so love my faith and trust me I won’t trade my Catholic faith for all the gold in the world.  I remember after the gruesome murder of our brothers in Benue recently a deeper life pastor met me and said..” This people have bitten more than they can chew…they have touched the Catholic Church now they will regret it…” The church is so beautiful and I want Catholics to just see this and bask in this pride and glory. The mass is the best gift we have from God.

Jesus before ascension said ..’ A while from now the world will no longer see me but you will see me’ and He has remained with u in His Eucharistic presence healing and blessing us daily…so if you are a Catholic and have been able to read this do something extra and share this with another and let’s wake up . When next you are in church and you see someone trying to distort the beauty of our faith especially at mass politely remind them and bless them.
Thank you for your time. God bless you!


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