SKY Girls, a vibrant community of teen girls across Nigeria dedicated to self-expression and authenticity, proudly announces the launch of their new series, Journey to Bloom. This teen series, an... Continue
As the sun rises over Nigeria, it illuminates a new generation of storytellers ready to captivate audiences with their unique and powerful narratives. It’s remarkable to think that we... Continue
The forthcoming stage play, Asiyanbi, an adaptation of the acclaimed movie *Ti Oluwa Ni Ile*, has been described as a “wholesome entertainment experience” on stage. Announced in February, this... Continue
Netflix, leading Streaming platform, has added 8.05 million new paid subscribers in the second quarter of 2024, surpassing projected estimates of 5.2 million by 54%. This surge elevates Netflix’s... Continue
Premiered on June 26, 2024, on YouTube, “Itan Mi” has become one of the most talked-about Yoruba films of the year. This movie, streaming on the Yorubaplus channel, is... Continue
BY GBENGA BADA The word regulatory simply connotes the existing legal and regulatory framework of anything. In the same vein, the Cambridge Dictionary depicts the word regulatory as, of... Continue