How 2 Armed Robbers Gang-Raped Married Woman & 2 Ladies At Gun Point During Operation

Posted on June 18, 2024
Police operatives from the Anambra State Command have arrested two suspected armed robbers, Chukwuma Diji and Micheal Edochie, for allegedly gang-raping a married woman and two ladies at gun point during an operation.
P.M.EXPRESS reports that the incident happened  in Abagana in Njikoka Local Government Area of the State, where the serial suspected rapists were arrested by the Police.
This was disclosed by the Police Public Relation Officer of the Command, SP Tochukwu Ikenga, who confirmed that the suspects, Diji and Edochie, were in Police custody undergoing interrogation over the alleged dastardly act.
SP Ikenga also revealed that two locally made double barrel guns, one locally made single barrel gun and six live cartridges were recovered from the suspects.
He stated : “In the early hours of 15/6/2024 Police Operatives attached to Abagana Division arrested two serial offenders wanted on a case of alleged rape and armed robbery, recover two locally made double barrel guns, one locally made single barrel gun, six live cartridges, and one Q link motorcycle”.
“The suspects were Chukwuma Diji ‘M’ a.k.a Sympathy or Chi-boy, 35years of Obinagu Umudun Village, Abagana, and Micheal Edochie ‘M’ a.k.a Mikel, 31years of Eziabunabu Umudun, Abagana sometime last year 2023, allegedly raped married woman at Obinagu Abagana and fled the community when Security Operatives attempted to arrest them”
“Also on 6/6/2024, the suspects broke into an apartment belonging to a young lady and raped her and her friend at gunpoint. The criminals later forced one of the victims to transfer money to his account after they took turns of sex with them. Chukwuma and Micheal both confessed to the crime.”
“The Commissioner of Police Anambra State Police Command, CP Nnaghe Itam, has ordered the immediate transfer of the case to the State Criminal Investigation Department for a Comprehensive look to get justice for the victims of the alleged crime.
He stated that the suspects will be charged before the Court for the alleged offence under the Criminal Laws of the State but that will be after the conclusion of investigations by the Police

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