How 2 Fake Medical Doctors Swindled Patient Of N80m Over Non-Existing Ailment

Posted on June 17, 2024
Two fake Medical Doctors, Sunday Oladapo, and Kafayat Oyelakin, have been charged before Ebute Metta Magistrate Court in Lagos State for allegedly swindling a patient, Sola Ajose, to the tune of the sum of N80m and administering drugs for non existing ailments. 
P.M.EXPRESS reports that the defendants were arraigned on seven counts of false representation, conspiracy to commit a felony, and obtaining the money in question under false pretence from the victim, Sola Ajose, of Jakande Estate in Lagos.
The prosecutor, Austin Nwabuisi, told the Court that the first defendant, Oladapo, claimed to be a practising medical doctor and administered injections on the complainant, claiming that he had diabetes.
However, the drugs he administered on the victim complicated his health conditions and was flown abroad while the ailment he claimed that the victim had was discovered to be false.
The prosecutor stated that the second defendant also conspired with Oladapo to collect the N80m at different intervals on the treatment for non existing ailments.
The Prosecutor, Nwabuisi, stated that the incident happened on October 12, 2023, at the Jakande Estate, adding that the defendants had since been on the run.
He prayed the Court to order for their remand pending the outcome of legal advice from the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution.
However, the defendants pleaded not guilty.
The Presiding Magistrate, Mrs. Williams, granted them bail with sureties and ordered that their files be duplicated and sent to the Office of the Directorate of Prosecutions for legal advice.
The first defendant was granted the bail in the sum of N2m with two responsible sureties. In comparison, the second defendant was admitted to bail in the sum of N1m with two responsible sureties in like sum.
The matter was adjourned till 9th July, 2024, for the report of DPP’s advice to be ready, which will determine if the matter will be transferred to the High Court or not over jurisdiction.

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