Political Cholera 

Posted on June 27, 2024
The way to success is near while many seek it from far. There is a devastating impact of cholera on the human body. This waterborne disease ravages our health, makes us weak, drained, and vulnerable. I appreciate and remain a party to the massive awareness campaign to arrest the cholera outbreak in our earthly divide. Yet, I will put it to you that there exists a far more sinister and pervasive form of societal cholera known as food shortage birthed by corruption, which l labeled ‘a political cholera’.
Just as cholera infects our bodies, corruption infects our nations and continent, spreading its toxic roots deep into the fabric of our societies. Corruption, the deadly strain of this disease, ravages our institutions, economies, and communities, leaving us vulnerable to the whims of those who prioritize power over people, and that of those who take advantage of the weak institution to feed on the flesh of other humans.
The symptoms are all too familiar: cronyism, nepotism, embezzlement, and outright theft. The consequences are just as dire: stunted economic growth, inequality, insecurity, social unrest, and a breakdown in trust. Our nations and continent are left weak, drained, and vulnerable to the ravages of this political cholera. The said corruption cholera is the root cause of the economy dilemma millitating against the very fabric of our collective survival.
Kidnappings and many forms of evils are far becoming a norm in our societies. The killings and the kidnapping of farmers had led to shortages of farm products in Nigeria as many declined going to farm for the fear of being kidnapped, raped or killed by criminal elements. The shortage of food crisis, which lingers on to affect virtually all sectors, will continue to be on the rise astronomically until an adequate force is employed and applied to protect our farmers in all spheres.
NOTE: Anywhere farmers are threatened, famine becomes inevitable. And whenever the stomach is starved without hope, the mind is lost.
It is a pity that our governments are doing next to nothing to put a stop to the man made threats against farm products. After Divine power is political power. It is undebatable that open grazing of cattles in Nigeria is a major medium through which destruction of farm products, kidnappings and terrorism are fueled. It is the root cause of the astronomical sky-rocketing of food prices. You don’t bend principles for convenience. Open cattle grazing must be eradicated. This archaic and obtuse system of rearing cattle is only defended by trouble makers, who hide under the pretext of protecting the interests of an individual tribe.
Just as cholera requires clean water, sanitation, and hygiene to be eradicated, retrogressive practices demand modernizations, accountability, and strong arms to be vanquished. This can only come to play when we stop tolerating and celebrating the corrupt, the complicit, and the complacent who shadow the toxic plague suffocating our food chain to spread unchecked.
We must build institutions and constitutions that serve and protect the people, not just the privileged few. We must create economies that benefit all, not just the corrupt and connected. Our nations, our continent, and our very collective future depend on what we make them to be. Let us join forces to eradicate this toxic plague and build a brighter, healthier future for all.
AMB. EZEWELE CYRIL ABIONANOJIE is the author of the book, ‘The Enemy Called Corruption’ ; an award winner ‘Best Columnist Of The Year’,  ‘Giant In Security Support’ among other local and international awards. He is the Founder/President of Peace Ambassadors Global.

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