Man, 56, Docked For Sexually Assaulting Girl, 7

Posted on September 4, 2019


A 56-year old man, Akpan Effiong, has been arrested in Lagos and charged before the Court for sexually assaulting a minor by inserting his finger into the private part of a 7-year old girl.

P.M.EXPRESS reports that the incident happened at Alafia Street, Iyana Ipaja area of Lagos, where they reside.

It was gathered that Effiong, who is married with children, lured the victim into his apartment in the afternoon when his members of his family were not around, removed her pant and inserted his finger into her private part.
When he had satisfied himself, he allowed the victim to go but warned her never to tell anyone what happened.
However, the victim informed her mother about what happened when they were not around; how Effiong molested her.
The matter was reported to the Police at Family Support Unit, Agege Division. He was then arrested and detained at the Police Station for investigation.
During interrogation, he denied but the victim was brought before him and she narrated how he molested her in the presence of the Police.
The Police found him culpable and charged him before the Ogba Magistrates Court for sexually assaulting the minor.
He pleaded not guilty.
The prosecutor, Mr. Christopher John, asked the Court to give a date for hearing to enable the Police to prove that he actually committed the offence.
Thus, the Presiding Magistrate, Mr. P.E Nwaka, granted him bail in the sum of N200,000 with two sureties in like sum.
He was remanded in prison custody pending when he will perfect his bail conditions. The matter was adjourned till 3rd October, 2019.

P.M.EXPRESS gathered that Effiong escaped the charge for defilement, which would have attracted several years of imprisonment, because he only used his finger on the victim.

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