Immigration Boss Decorates 28 Newly Promoted Officers

Posted on June 16, 2019



The Immigration boss and Passport Control Officer (PCO), Ikoyi Passports Office, Manir Yari, has charged the 28 newly promoted officers in Lagos Passports Command to live up to their new ranks and see their elevation as a challenge to improve their services to passport applicants.

P.M.EXPRESS reports that Yari made the call during the ceremony at their office located at Ikoyi area of Lagos.

Yari, who is the Acting Controller of the Passport Command, advised that they should see their promotion as a challenge for them to do more in fighting touting and sharp practices in passport offices.

Yari gave the advice during the decoration of the newly promoted 28 officers in the Passport Command at Ikoyi during the week.

He said, “You are wearing new ranks, but that should not make you lazy. You should know that you have moved to a new level. A new level of higher responsibility and effectiveness in the Passport Command”

“Promotion comes from God and hard work. You should thank God and thank our amiable CG, Muhhammad Babandade, for recognising your hard work and promoting you. We have never seen it so good in the history of the service. The CG has been working hard to improve our welfare .He has done a lot for us that will encourage us to be good officers and loyal to the service.

“For those of you that have been decorated today, you should know the CG’s zero tolerance to corruption still stands.

“Some of you are from Ikoyi and FESTAC Passport offices. Be good ambassadors of the CG in your passport offices and keep to the tenets of SERVICOM.

“If Nigerians are happy with our services at passport offices, they will be happy with us. Try and make sure applicants leave your offices happy.

“We are happy to have one of you newly promoted as a Deputy Comptroller and second in command in charge of FESTAC passport office.”

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