DOS Is A Man Who Doesn’t Know How To Stop Doing Good!
DOS is simply a phenomenon and a wonderful human being, who doesn’t know how to stop doing good. And of course, my opinion here is genuinely devoid of any stratospheric adulation to wit, but it is an open fact in the public space as altruistic as it is.
All to the glory of God, we could see how wonderfully he has taken good governance to the next stage and adorable level and evidences of his laudable, developmental strides and human face oriented governance signatures are visible everywhere and that of the yuletide season is just another toast of this interesting time.
Yes, there is a reward for everything under the heavens, and one of the rewards is for him to move from strength to strength and from glory to glory, because all his laudable achievements and wonderful accomplishments so far so good can only be attributed to Almighty God who called him and consecrated him for the excellent jobs. And as he continues to do more to God’s glory, I pray may his progress in life continue to increase in exponential progression and unrestricted dimensions. Amen.