Gunmen Attack Thriller Travels Boss Home In Lekki

Posted on June 17, 2024

The residence of the chief executive officer of Thriller Travels, Dr. Moses Olusoji Adebisi also known as ThisdayMoses located on Adewale Falana street, IVY Home by Megamound, Lekki County in Ajah was attacked by unknown gunmen on Friday morning.

The attack resulted in the damage of property including CCTV, security wire, Prado Jeep, Toyota Hummer Bus, doors and other items estimated to be worth over N250 million.

However, no casualty was recorded as the time of filing in this report.

The operatives of Ikota Police station have confirmed the incident.

According to Dr. Adebisi, the case has been reported at the Ikota Police Command Lagos and Police has begun investigation in the matter.

Speaking to our reporter, Thriller Travels’ MD revealed that there was no single person in the house at the time of the incident. The gateman said he wasn’t around when they came, that he went to the nearby prayer ground to pray.

According to one of the eyewitnesses who pleaded anonymity “The attackers dressed in military uniforms, came with three different cars, and distributed themselves around the house and when they could not get the occupants of the house, they started destroying properties such as cars, CCTV cameras, doors and then left”.

However, Dr. Adebisi has called the authorities to carry out a thorough investigation and bring the culprit to book.

“I am only rooted in the services to humanity, it’s not a sin to stand up for what is right in Nigeria. Therefore, I am calling on authorities to thoroughly investigate this matter and reassure the common man of safety within and outside Lagos.”

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