Married Pastor Dumps Wife & Children, Opts For Mistress With Sworn Affidavit As Bachelor 

Posted on June 16, 2024
A married 57-year old cleric, Pastor Ikotidem Eyo Goldstein, of the Overcomers Squad Church, located at 10 Anita Crescent, Isolo, Lagos, has landed in trouble for secretly swearing an affidavit before the Commissioner of Oath claiming to be single while opting for a mistress. 
P.M.EXPRESS reports that the Nigeria Police has commenced investigation to know why Pastor Goldstein would commit such alleged criminal offence, which attracts several years of imprisonment.
Pastor Goldstein was said to have a son, who is 20 years and a second son, who is 18, both of whom are in the University in his home state, Akwa Ibom State, while his other children are in various schools in Lagos State except one of them.
In the affidavit sighted by P.M.EXPRESS dated 13th November, 2020, Pastor Goldstein affirmed that he was a Bachelor and was free to get married because he had no wife.
However, he got married to his wife,  Lilian Ogechi Goldstein, on 24th October, 2003 in Mbaise, Imo State and had the church wedding on 10th January, 2004. Their children, all boys, included Devine, 20, Destiny,18, Twins namely Marvelous and Splendour, 16, Peculiar, 14 and Victory, 11.
Following the discovery of the affidavit,  Pastor Goldstein filed a suit before the Isolo Customary Court seeking for the dissolution of their marriage on the ground that his wife abandoned him,  stayed with strange male lovers, emotional abuse,  domestic violence, no more love and lack of intimacy.
However,  the embattled wife denied the allegations and told the Court that she never abandoned her matrimonial home because they were still living together in the same house.
She told the Court that their problem started when he met one Amina after they had their fifth child and other women, who he was bringing home. And when she asks him about those women, he will start beating her to the extent that she had to run to her village and her parents brought her back.
She also revealed that despite the fact that her embattled husband claimed to be a Pastor,  he is into fraud because he writes letters to white men to defraud them. She told the Court that she does not want the dissolution of the marriage because she wants to be close to her children.
However,  the President of the Court,  Mrs. F.K. Obisakin, noted that the marriage had broken down irretrievable as there is no mutual respect for one another, where the husband will be bringing women friends to their matrimonial home with six children and there was domestic violence even in the presence of the children.
The Court consequently dissolved the marriage and asked the parties to go their separate ways and maintain peace. And any party seeking for the custody of the children should seek redress in the Family Court.
The affidavit in question may land Pastor Goldstein in prison custody if he is tried and found guilty before the Court for the alleged offence.

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