MTN Opens Applications For The 15th Edition Of MUSON Scholarship

Are you a young talented Nigerian struggling to build a career in music—both classical and contemporary? Do you have a dream or career in music that you want to pursue? Then you’re in luck! This scholarship is for you!
MTN in partnership with the Musical Society of Nigeria (MUSON) presents a scholarship that would provide you the ability to grow and chase your musical career.
Guess what? Application is completely free!
We all know that MUSON is the best musical school in Nigeria and is globally reckoned with in Africa and the world at large which has produced great musical scholars who have gone around the world excelling in their careers and representing the country.
Over 350 music scholars have been nurtured through this scholarship since its inception in 2006. Now in 2021, the scholarship, 15 years strong, still looks to aid young Nigerians in their journey to success in Music. You could be one of them.
This scholarship is open to young musically inclined Nigerians who are interested in furthering their talents at the Musical Society of Nigeria.
At the end of this scholarship, you will be awarded an internationally recognised Diploma in Music from the institution.
If your application is successful, you stand the chance to win over 250,000 naira worth of scholarship, annually.
This covers tuition, transportation, resource materials, among other needs throughout the span of the two-year diploma.
Applications open and comes to an end on Sunday, August 22nd, 2021. Early application is advised!
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