Rights Activist, Comrade Saviour Iche Protest Over Rising High Cost Of Food

Posted on June 27, 2024
A human rights activist and president of Ambassadors Of Peace and Enlightenment Foundation (AMPEF), Comrade Prince Saviour Ichie, has embarked on hunger strike, protesting and calling on Nigeria’s President, Asiwaju Bola Ahmed Tinubu, to immediately take urgent steps to address the rising cost of foods as many people are dying over hunger across the country. 
P.M.EXPRESS reports that Comrade Ichie made the call while protesting and carrying a placards with different inscriptions to draw the attention of the Government over food insecurity.
He threatened that if the present administration led by President Tinubu would not address the issue of food insecurity and price instability in Nigeria, he would climb an electric pole and remain there until the president addresses the problem.
An embittered Ichie lamented that many families cannot afford to eat the common foods because of the rising cost of buying those food items across the States in Nigeria.
He explained that some of the common foods items like bread, sugar, tomatoes, tea, vegetables,, among others have skyrocketed to the extent that it is now a luxury to buy those items since the present administration took over.
Ichie said the present government appeared to have shown nonchalant attitude over the plight of Nigerians, noting that while a few others can only afford to feed their families with one square meal a day for sustenance, many cannot do so.
The activist stated that the prices of commodities worsened due to the mismanagement of the economy by those in Government, which the President must address urgently.
On the recent strike embarked by the NLC, Ichie noted that the essence was meant to cushion the effect of hardship on Nigerians and to make the Government to respond by way of salary increment on the minimum wage, which would enable some Nigerians cope with the high cost of feeding their families due to inflation.
Comrade Ichie urged President Bola Ahmed Tinubu to give Nigerians hope by critically looking into the hike in food prices and look inward on those he appointed that are not performing by  terminating their appointments.
He explained that he presumes the President is unaware of this very critical condition Nigerians are facing in the hands of incompetent appointees and hence drawing his attention through the protest.
He advised that the government should implement policies that can cushion the effect of hardship by appointing representatives that can offer viable solutions to the challenges and not self-centered leaders.
“The giant of Africa (Nigeria) is becoming a shadow of itself with the recent economic situation due to food inflation and food insecurity, which gradually became starvation and hopelessness for Nigerians” he stated.
 Ichie Urge Nigerians to pray for the President to make the right decisions for peace and progress in the nation and overhaul certain offices occupied by appointees in the arms of government to discourage corrupt practices, including the misappropriation of public funds.

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