Spain-Bound Buruj FC Stars To Feature In Ileya Football Fiesta Against NPFL Side, Remo Stars

Posted on June 12, 2024
Football lovers will have plenty to enjoy during the Ileya festival period as the Nigeria Premier Football League, NPFL, side, Remo Stars, will host Buruj FC on the third day of Ileya Tuesday 18th of June 2024. 
P.M.EXPRESS reports that the match will take place at the prestigious Remo Stars Stadium by 9 am.
A full capacity stadium is expected as lots of fans will be given a sumptuous football treat beyond the slaughtering of rams for Ileya.
The day also coincides with the highly celebrated Ojude Oba in Ijebu Ode, with plenty of reasons for football fans to throng the stadium before hitting the Ojude Ode venues to continue the merriment that the day offers.
Meanwhile, Buruj FC CEO, Waheed Salaudeen, told our correspondent that the Nationwide League One, (NLO) side will not disappoint as they are willing to showcase the best talents in their camp including the Spain-bound duo of Victor Chisom and Ubong Samson, who are set to join El Club Polideportivo El Ejido.
“The Remo Stars challenge is one we accept with both hands, we are ready to give them a run for their money.”
“We call on the fans to come out in their numbers to see the best of our talented players on display.”
“It is an opportunity to see Chisom Victor and Samson Ubong in action, both of whom will be leaving for Spain to blossom their career.”
“Beyond these two players, we still have many super talents in our ranks that will be unleashed on Remo Stars. We can’t wait for the day to come” said Dr. Salaudeen.
Ileya is a period where Muslims slaughter rams in remembrance of Prophet Ibrahim’s dutiful obedience to Allah in regards to the promise he made to slaughter his son, Ismaheal but Allah replaced it with a ram.
The occasion also signifies the end of the Hajj rite after the climbing of the Arafat mountain.

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