Perspectives Are Not Objective…
Whether it is a Soyinka or an Adichie, what is important here is the realization that perspectives are not objective. Where you stand will always be dependent on where you sit per time.
We all cannot speak in one voice.
“Politics ka a la egwu” (in the voice of Mbadinuju).
Note, very importantly too, that perspectives are not static. It is also very important you understand that perspectives are personal entitlements that border on freewill.
Let the debate and support continue. After all, both Soyinka and Adichie have rights to their perspectives. The main gist is that Labour Party has began its own journey to Golgotha – from the party leadership to the brewing confusion between Oga Peter and his battalion of “Spokespeople”… Confuse ka di ma kwa!
My own is to sit back and continue listening to kepukepu from all sides.
It’s Good Friday when Bad things happened!
©Mazi Ejimofor Opara